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Friday, August 5, 2011


Not many people will have noticed (hi, Mom!), but I haven't posted for a year. A. Year. I know this because I'm posting Thing Two's 8th birthday cake pic right after the post with his seventh birthday cake pic. Which is pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Skateboard cake!

Thing 2 is turning 7 on Thursday, so we had his party this past weekend--just a few friends and their moms. And a skateboard cake! I found the instructions on Family Fun's website; it's a little time-consuming but very straightforward.

I think he likes this present, don't you?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Breathing Easier

My older son has asthma. In the past, it's been scary, monthly ER-visit, inhaled-steroids-twice-a-day, rescue inhaler, don't-even-think-about-coming-near-him-with-a-cat-or-dog, JUST-BREATHE-ALREADY asthma.

Today, at his latest appointment with the fabulous Dr. Nan, his lung function is the best it's ever been, and he's now off the steroids unless he has a virus. And this mommy is also breathing a little easier.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Bling

The tree....

Some random Christmas stuff on the dining room sideboard....
And a little boy singing a solo at his choir's Christmas progam.

That last one's my favorite.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seven below here today, with a wind chill of THIRTY FOUR BELOW. Brr.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Painter Girl, Why are Your Legs So Fuzzy?

Thing Two is six, and he's super duper cute and hilarious, often unintentionally. The other night I started (I say started, because, you know, not done yet) repainting my living room, and T2 thought it'd be funny to call me Painter Girl. So he did. All evening.

Later that night, as I was putting him to bed, he put his foot against my leg. He was quiet and thoughtful for a moment, and then he said, "Painter Girl, why are your legs so fuzzy?" Say it with me, now: awwww.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Eighties' Ladies

Saturday night, at a friend's eighties ladies' party....

We were rocking the eighties like we didn't rock the eighties when it WAS the eighties. Trust me on this.

That's me on the left, with my friend Kristin. Thank goodness they still make Aqua Net. And gaudy jewelry and purple eyeshadow. And I'm sure you all remember the off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. A pair of scissors and a $7.50 men's 4XL sweatshirt from WalMart, and I was set.

Recognize anyone in this pic? That's right. It's Crystal Carrington third from the left, and Cyndi Lauper in the lower right corner.